Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Poker Players, Online Gamblers Of USA Support OBAMA!

Poker online gambling and Barack Obama might sound a weird combination but it's true. Latest news reveals that Obama, himself a skilled player of Texas Hold 'Em and Seven Card Stud Poker, is winning support for his White House campaign form USA's Poker players.

The millions of active poker and online poker players of USA want poker and online poker legalized. It seems now that the US poker player family of 1 million (and still going stronger) could very well provide the turning point in favor of the Democrats in US Presidential Elections. Obama's chances of winning are further enhanced by the open full fledged support of Doyle Brunson, USA's greatest living poker player and 'formerly a life long Republican'.

The online poker players want gambling to be legalized in USA so that they can "play online casino games at a safe and a regulated place". They want to spend their own money the way they choose to, without following governmental dictates on how to do so.

So,it seems that with the intervention of the online poker players and online gamblers,now the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS OF USA might actually take new turn.


Susan said...

Great News, I do hope someone looks into this law and get it changed. The market is now flooded with dodgy Internet Casinos. We need a regulated industry, not something that encourages dubious activities.

Janet said...

good news, lets hope OBAMA wins...